
Understanding Our Terms and Limitations

Use of Information

Your Responsibilities

This page outlines the terms, limitations, and disclaimers associated with using Boat Captains Directory. Please read carefully to understand your responsibilities and rights.

Any use of information contained in this website is done so at the risk of the user, and Boat Captain’s Directory and all affiliated persons and entities are not responsible for the result or outcome of its use. This website is solely intended for the purpose of providing listings for captains and services provided by those captains.

Boat Captains Directory and all affiliated persons and entities do not endorse any of the captains identified herein. Boat Captains Directory and all affiliated persons and entities are not responsible for any errors, omissions or representations contained in this website and/or the captain listings. Please verify the veracity of all information on your own before undertaking any reliance. Boat Captains Directory and all affiliated persons and entities shall not be liable for physical, psychological or monetary damages suffered as a result of using the information contained in this website and/or the captain listings.

Boat Captains Directory and all affiliated persons and entities hereby expressly disclaim any implied warranties imputed by the laws of any jurisdiction. Boat Captain’s Directory and all affiliated persons and entities consider themselves and intend to be subject to the jurisdiction only of the courts of the State of Florida in the United States of America.

These materials may not be reproduced without written permission of Boat Captains Directory and the captain whose material is to be reproduced, if applicable.

If you don’t agree with any of our disclaimers above please do not read the material on any of our pages and seek an alternative captain locating method.

The membership fee is non-refundable once it is paid.

Boat Captains Directory is a registered trade mark of Boat Captains Directory LLC.

Connecting Owners with Captains & Crews for over 12 Years

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